Don't Lose Your TOP Spot!
Their generous compensation plan sets them apart from other network marketing companies. To become an affiliate or partner of LiveGood, you have two options.
$9.95 Monthly Membership:
$49.95 Total
$99.95 Yearly Membership:
$139.95 Total
Please take a look at LiveGood's attractive compensation plan.
There are six ways to make money with the Livegood Pay Plan
If any of your enrollees enroll others, they will be rewarded, and you will get extra commissions up to 10 layers deep.
✓Matrix Commissions and Matching Bonuses are paid monthly in the first week for the previous month's Matrix volume. Fast Start Commissions only cover the first month's Membership. Matrix volume accumulates after Members' second month.
✓Example: If you refer a new client who pays $24 for a product that costs $16 for members, the difference is $8. At 50%, you'd make $4 on their purchase.
Influencer bonuses are based only on monthly Personally Enrolled Retail
✓ Volume, regardless of rank.
Example: If you have over $25,000 in Retail Customer Volume in a month and the Member Pricing is $17,000, the difference between the Member Price and the Retail Price is $8,000. On that volume, you'll earn 50% ($4,000) Retail Commissions and 40% ($3,200) Influencer Bonuses for $7,200 in commissions!
To achieve Bronze rank in LiveGood, an affiliate must have a minimum of 2 personally enrolled active members. This serves as the initial step toward building a successful team.
2. Silver Rank
To reach the Silver rank, an affiliate must have 10 personally enrolled active members and a total of 20 active members on their team. Alternatively, they can have 3 separate enroller tree legs, each with a Bronze ranked Affiliate and a total of 20 active members in their team. This rank requires greater leadership and team-building skills.
3. Gold Rank
To attain Gold rank, an affiliate must have 30 personally enrolled active members and a total of 100 active members in their Enroller Tree team. Alternatively, they can have 3 separate Enroller Tree legs with a Silver-ranked Affiliate and a total of 100 active members in their team. This rank signifies a higher level of commitment and organizational ability.
4. Platinum Rank
To achieve Platinum rank, an affiliate must have 100 personally enrolled active members and a total of 500 active members in their Enroller Tree team. Alternatively, they can have 3 separate Enroller Tree legs with a Gold-ranked Affiliate and a total of 500 active members in their Enroller Tree team. This rank represents significant growth and leadership within the MLM business.
To reach the prestigious Diamond rank, an affiliate must have 3 separate Enroller Tree legs with a Platinum-ranked Affiliate and a total of 2,500 active members in their team. Alternatively, they can have 2,500 active members in their Enroller Tree team with no more than 500 counting from any individual Enroller Tree leg. This rank showcases exceptional leadership and the ability to sustain a large and thriving team.
6. Crown Diamond Rank
The highest rank in LiveGood is the Crown Diamond. To achieve this rank, an affiliate must have a total of 50,000 members on their team, with no more than 10,000 counting from any individual Enroller Tree leg. This rank signifies unparalleled success, influence, and impact within the MLM industry.
Furthermore, LiveGood not only helps individuals seize income opportunities and improve their health, but it is also a passionate and united community. You will interact with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and receive valuable support to succeed in both health and finance.
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